Caring for you tack is detrimental in the safety for you and your horse.
It is important to remember to wipe down your tack after every ride, but it is not always practical. Try to make sure it is done, in the least, every second day of riding. When the tack is dirtier than normal wash at that time. Although make sure the bit is washed daily for the sake of your horse's health.
Once a week you need to thoroughly take apart your equipment to make sure every nook is clean from accumulated sweat and dirt. By doing this type of cleaning it gives you a chance to do a safety check on all your equipment. You need to check for stitches that may be loose and pieces that may not be very strong. If they are weak take the time to replace them to prevent injuries from faulty equipment.
If the rain soaks your halter, it must be hung to dry. It may need conditioning or a moisturizer to prevent cracking. Do not use hot oil on your tack! This statement is a myth, this will cause the leather to crack and weaken. All metal pieces, including stirrups and spurs can be washed in regular soap and water.
In the care of your horse's boots, these need daily care so they stay comfortable for your horse. It is easier to keep up on your horse's laundry if you keep a basket in the barn. This will help in organization of your horse's laundry day. All blankets, fleece and cotton pads, towels, track bandages and polo wraps can be washed.
Your horse's brushes and grooming tools can be periodically washed with dishwasher liquid. Once in a while soak the grooming tools and brush in bleach. This will provide some extra cleaning.
While washing the stable equipment and the buckets make sure to use a stiff brush and wash them daily. If proper cleaning is not done it will build a scum or slimy residue. This could cause your horse to get sick. The feed bins should be cleaned once a week. The shovels and muck tubs should be cleaned once or twice a month depending on how thick the manure is caked on.
If your horse has a large wardrobe or a few garments it is important to wash these as you use them. The heavier blankets you should send out to be washed. They are heavy and may damage your washer.
When proper care of your horse tack is demonstrated it will allow longer use of the equipment and help in the safety of you and your horse.