Read About Most Common Horse Injuries

The most common horse injuries can occur no matter where a horse is. Horse injuries are so prevalent, in fact, that many owners believe that a horse will find a way to injure itself, even if it is all alone in a flat pasture with no rocks, trees, or any other dangers in sight. Horses, it is believed, are quite accident-prone!

Scrapes and abrasions are among the most common horse injuries, and can occur from the most routine of activities. Such injuries can interfere with daily grooming or riding. If these injuries are severe enough, they can become infected, which could lead to dehydration of the horse. Such wounds are typically treated by cleansing with an anti-bacterial soap and a water-based medication.

Puncture wounds are the more serious of the most common horse injuries. Puncture wounds are very dangerous, as they may go undetected for a greater period of time, due to the fact that they are generally much less noticeable than bleeding wounds. This dilemma could lead to a deep tissue infection if it is not caught early enough and treated by a veterinarian to remove bacteria.

Lacerations are the most common horse injuries. Horses have an aptitude for acquiring lacerations all over their bodies, and these types of injuries tend to bleed quite profusely. Lacerations are generally cleansed with plain water, and may, in some instances, require stitches. Bumps and lumps may also frequently appear on a horse, and these are just as common as lacerations. Different types of bumps may appear simply from the daily activities of a horse, and are generally nothing to worry about.

Blunt trauma can cause contusions on a horse. While contusions are not as serious as lacerations, and they are not the most common horse injuries, they can still prove to be very dangerous. Contusions typically occur from one horse being kicked by another. The best treatment for these injuries is first, immobilization, then the application of cold compresses to the sight of the injury. A veterinarian should be called to determine the next best course of action.

Lameness is perhaps the most elusive of the most common horse injuries. To easily recognize when a horse is lame, an owner must be very familiar with a horse's gait and carriage. Injuries such as torn ligaments or bone fractures are irreversible. If lameness does not correct itself within a matter of a few hours, a veterinarian should be contacted for further analysis of the situation.

As a general rule, the most common horse injuries can be treated effectively with basic medical care.