Read About Equine Diarrhea

Everything you need to know about equine diarrhea can be found in this article. Diarrhea, while very treatable, can cause serious problems and should be taken cared of right away.

Equine Diarrhea - Causes and Facts

  1. Problem Definition:

    Diarrhea is an increase in defecation, usually with the presence of extra water which creates an unpleasant situation.
  2. Most Common Cause:

    The most common cause in foals is the rotavirus. In adults, it is either bacterial infections or parasites that cause the problem.
  3. Physical Reasons:

    A physical reason for diarrhea can include irritation in the horse's digestive tract.
  4. Emotional Reasons:

    Because of their sensitive digestive tracts, any change in food or routine or anything that upsets the horse can cause diarrhea.

Equine Diarrhea - Prevention and Treatments

  1. What to Watch for:

    Some of the symptoms are watery defecation, depression, colic, and sometimes even the presence of a fever.
  2. Precautions:

    One thing you can do as a precaution measure against the rotavirus is to sterilize the stall before the mare foals. Treat the underlying cause of the diarrhea as soon as possible to prevent the recurrence of the symptoms.
  3. Prevention:

    To prevent diarrhea, protect your horses from infestation from other horses, maintain a good diet, and try a supplement to aid in digestion. Having a horse eat small meals several times a day can aid in digestion.
  4. Treatment:

    For bacterial infections, antibiotics should be used to kill any infection. Be careful with these, because they can temporarily make the diarrhea worse. If dehydration occurs, than the horse can be treated with IV fluids.
  5. Helpful Supplies:

    Some helpful supplies would be a good disinfectant, along with salve and petroleum jelly to keep the hind quarters from getting irritated.

Equine Diarrhea - Concerns

  1. Level of Seriousness:

    Most diarrheas from emotional upsets will go away themselves in a few days as the horse adjusts. Diarrhea in foals can be very deadly because they dehydrate so easily. Most can be treated if watched carefully.
  2. Genetics:

    Horses have very sensitive digestive tracts that allow bacterial infections to grow.
  3. Lifestyle Accommodations:

    Do not over crowd horses and keep them in dry, clean stalls.
  4. Family Issues:

    Most underlying causes of diarrhea have nothing to do with the horse's lineage and is not something that is inherited.
  5. Expense:

    Equine diarrhea itself is not costly to treat, but the complications that occur during treatment can become very costly.