Read About Dream Horse

You start looking for the horse of your dreams by visiting horse shows, or by searching the internet and magazine classifieds. Here's everything you need to know about adoption.

Dream Horse -- Reasons and Facts

  1. Why Adopt:

    Every horse fanatic dreams of owning the perfect horse. If you ever get to adopt your dream horse, then you must treat it like one. Give the horse a good shelter, food and your loving company.
  2. What Pet to Adopt:

    You can adopt any breed of horse. But spend plenty of time and see if you and the horse bond well together. Remember, it may be your dream horse; but for the horse you may not be the dream owner.
  3. When to Adopt:

    You can adopt any horse which is more then five years old, as by this age they are ready for training. Also be very sure that all members of your family will readily accept it.

Dream Horse -- Where to Look

  1. Online:

    There are many rescue organizations which have their own website. You can first browse through them and see pictures of horses and see if you can find your dream horse. Some relevant sites include,,, among others.
  2. Classifieds:

    Newspapers and pet magazines will help you in finding organizations which list horses for adoption. Refer to their classifieds regularly.
  3. Pet Shows:

    Several horse shows are conducted time and again all over the world. By attending these shows you can see the horses in their true colors. This would be the best method of deciding on your dream horse.
  4. Local Vet:

    Your local vet will know about such organizations and will guide you through the entire adoption procedure.

Dream Horse -- What to Look For

  1. Pet Temperament:

    Look for horses which are quite matured. If it is to be your dream horse, it must bond with you well.
  2. Pet's Surroundings:

    Horses need a lot of time to adjust to their new surroundings. Try to adopt those horses which are kept in hygienic surroundings.
  3. Pet's Health:

    Check all the medical records of the horse you are planning to adopt. Look at its hooves; they should be strong and properly placed on ground.
  4. What to Avoid:

    Unless you are an experienced trainer, never think of adopting a very young horse. As young horses are unable to manage and they will create problems for you.

Dream Horse -- How to Choose

  1. Type of Pet:

    Depending on what purpose you are adopting the horse there are various types. Like a horse for farm jobs and horses for trail riding, hunting, etc.
  2. Supplies & Equipment:

    Try to supply your dream horse with the same kind of surroundings it had before, so to make him feel at home. Spend as much time you can with it. They will need stabling, food and outfitting supplies.
  3. Expense:

    If you adopt them through a rescue shelter which works on a nonprofit basis the expense will be minimum. But if you will adopt them directly from the owner of the horse then you might spend more.