Read About Livestock-Swine

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Livestock Swine

Livestock Swine make good pets because they are intelligent, affectionate and clean. Here's all you need to know about Livestock Swine as pets.

Potbellied Pigs

Potbellied pigs are the most popular Livestock Swine though some people argue about whether these animals should be classified as Livestock Swine or pets. These Livestock Swine are short with stubby little legs. Because they're legs are so stubby, they're not particularly agile and may need the assistance of a ramp to get up and down stairs. Generally they weigh 60-175 pounds and grow between 13 and 26 inches tall. These Livestock Swine are very affectionate, but they need to know their place in the family early on so make sure to assert your dominance.

Not all Livestock Swine are suitable as pets. Larger Livestock Swine need more space than potbellied pigs and may cause more damage to crops or flowerbeds.

Livestock Swine Traits

Despite their dirty image, Livestock Swine are surprisingly clean. Livestock Swine will use only one corner of their pen as a toilet, they can't sweat, they don't get fleas and they don't have any odor. Though they love food and will eat everything that's put in front of them, Livestock Swine are not the best dinner guests. They eat with their mouths open and smack their lips. They love food and often squeal with excitement when they know they're about to eat.

Before you purchase Livestock Swine as a pet, make sure to check your zoning laws because some places don't welcome Livestock Swine.
