Read About Chihuahuas for Sale

Chihuahuas for Sale should be bought from a good breeder to ensure getting a healthy dog. Here's everything you need to know about them.

Chihuahuas for Sale -- Reasons and Facts

  1. Why Buy:

    Chihuahuas are known for being good companions. They crave attention and can be deeply attached to their owners. If you want a dog that will shower you with all the love and attention in the world, then a Chihuahua is right for you.
  2. What Pet to Purchase:

    The dog you choose should easily adapt to your lifestyle. Chihuahuas do not adjust well to children - Chihuahuas are easily agitated by teasing and rowdy children.
  3. When to Buy:

    Dogs need a lot of human attention and you should buy a dog only when you are ready to spend time everyday with the dog.

Chihuahuas for Sale -- Where to Look

  1. Online:

    You can get details about the breeders and the dogs when you search online. Some websites even give you tips on buying and taking care of a dog.
  2. Classifieds:

    Newspapers have advertisements about breeders selling dogs. Make sure the breeder is a good one before you go to buy a dog from him.
  3. Pet Shows:

    Dog shows attract many breeders and it is a good place to meet them and observe dogs.
  4. Local Vet:

    Your vet can recommend some good breeders for the dog. He/she can even advise you on the health and maintenance of the dog.

Chihuahuas for Sale -- What to Look For

  1. Pet Temperament:

    The puppy should let you handle him and should not shy away from you. He should get along well with the other puppies and should not be aggressive.
  2. Pet's Surroundings:

    Before adopting a Chihuahua, you should first check its living conditions with the breeder. Ideally, the dog should be provided with a warm and dry place. The surroundings should be kept clean and the dogs should be free from diseases.
  3. Pet's Health:

    Chihuahuas are very fragile dogs and they suffer from bone problems such as slipped stifle and fractures. The puppy you choose should be free from such problems.
  4. What to Avoid:

    Avoid dogs with health and temperament problems. Never buy a dog from a breeder who doesn't show the parents of the puppy. The breeder should feel free to discuss the dog.

Chihuahuas for Sale -- How to Choose

  1. Type of Pet:

    Choose a dog that suits your requirements and your living conditions. The dog should have a good temperament and should be a healthy one.
  2. Supplies & Equipment:

    You will need food, grooming accessories, bed, crate and feeding bowls. A body harness is recommended for Chihuahuas as a leash can hurt the dog's neck.
  3. Expense:

    The price of a Chihuahua can range from $500-$1000, but there are some breeders who charge more than that. Chihuahuas are prone to various bone problems and treating them can be fairly expensive.