Read About Clean Pet Urine

How to clean pet urine is something that a lot of pet owners must address at some point. Here's everything you need to know about it.

How to Clean Pet Urine

  1. The Facts:

    Urine from pets can be hard to clean, especially if it has soaked into carpet. Pet urine has chemicals in it that do not break up very easily. Cat urine is harder to clean than dog urine. Image The only products that really work in removing those nasty pet urine stains are those that contain a formula that includes enzymes. The enzymes break down the urine and let you get deep into the carpet to remove the stains and odor. If you can lift up your carpet, it probably would be a good idea to buy Kilz or some type of paint that can be painted onto the floorboards. Pet urine that soaks all the way to the floorboards will still leave the smell of pet urine unless the floorboards are treated as well. The padding will also have the stain and odor, so be sure to clean it as well.
  2. Supplies:

    The supplies you will need when cleaning pet urine are rubber gloves, paper towels, a sponge, an enzyme pet removal formula, or your own that you make up, and a carpet cleaner. If you make up your own pet urine remover you will need baking soda, white vinegar, and club soda.
  3. What to Do:

    You will want to put the gloves on first. Then you will take a wet sponge and get the area wet. Then, take paper towels and blot up the urine as well as you can. Do NOT rub, you will only rub the urine deeper into the carpet. Then get your pet urine remover that you purchased from the store and follow the directions. If you use a homemade formula, you will want to saturate the area with it and let it soak in for about five minutes. Then take more paper towels and soak up any moisture. After the spot is dry, you can put your carpet cleaner/deodorizer down.
  4. Special Considerations:

    If you try several times and still can not get the stain or the smell up, then you will probably have to replace your carpet and padding. Again if you must replace the carpet, make sure you paint Kilz on the floor to help remove the odor. If you still smell pet urine but cannot find where it is, you can buy a black light and find the stainImage that way. The black light can be rather expensive. If you do use the black light you will see that the urine shows up as a greenish yellow color under the light. Then you can treat the stain once you find it.
  5. Other Tips:

    If you notice that your pet is defecating out of its litter box or not going outside, then you need to address the problem. It would be a good idea to take your pet to the veterinarian and have it checked to see if there is a physical problem going on such as a bladder infection. Animals are usually pretty particular on where they go to the bathroom. So if they start having frequent accidents it is probably due to a medical problem or a behavioral issue.
  6. Expense:

    You can usually pick up pet urine removers for about $13.00 and up. If you make your own, it will be considerably less expensive.