Read About Cute Pet Contests

Cute Pet Contests are a good way of making your cute pet a mini celebrity. Here's everything you need to know about this competition.

Cute Pet Contests -- Facts

  1. Type of Competition:

    Large scale cute pet contests are contests where pet owners send photos of their pets online, which are voted by visitors to the site. Participating pets are generally toy breeds of cats and dogs. The winners are decided by voting and qualifying factors are the looks of the pet. However, there are other factors taken into consideration also, like habits, tricks, temperament, etc. Naturally, well-groomed pets stand a much better chance of winning. Among dogs, Chihuahuas and terriers are the maximum winners in such cute pet contests.
  2. Location:

    Cute pet contests are generally conducted online, where desirous participants are made to send photos of their pets. Even the entire voting system and decision of winner is done online. However, there are also some local cute pet shows, which are conducted in some places like Huntsville.
  3. History:

    The trend of cute pet shows which are conducted online is a relatively new fad. It is only since the last decade that pet site owners are tapping the tremendous potential of garnering viewer visits on their sites by conducting cute pet shows.
  4. Sanctioned:

    Cute pet shows are not sanctioned by any prominent organizations. These are conducted by pet websites, who may want to boost their popularities. That being said, the judging is often done pertaining to characteristics that are prescribed by pet foundations such as the American Kennel Club (AKC) for dogs, the Cat Fancier's Association (CFA) for cats and such. The AKC sanctions pet shows all over the country, but they cannot be termed as cute pet contests in the strictest meaning of the term, as several other factors relating to temperament and training are taken into account while adjudging. They may be called as exhibition shows.
  5. Entrance Procedure:

    The entrance for a cute pet show is very easy, because the whole process is managed online. Pet websites maintain special contest pages during the duration of the contest. Those who wish to put their pets for these shows need to scan and send a photo of their pet. Several photos in different profiles may be asked. Some contest conductors also ask about the habits, training and tricks of the pet. There is a registration fee as well as an entrance fee for the contest.
  6. Classes:

    The categories may be divided according to the species of your pet. Though most cute pet contests are held with dogs and cats in mind, there are also a few shows that incorporate breeds of birds, guinea pigs, ferrets, monkeys, etc.
  7. Judging:

    The judging is done by the people who visit the site. Once all the photos of participants are put up on the site, the contest is opened to viewers. People who wish to vote simply have to click the name or the link of the pet that they wish to vote. There may or may not be a secret voting. Prizes are often decided only based on the number of votes received by a pet, i.e. on popularity grounds.
  8. Awards:

    Websites have their own parameters of giving awards for the cutest pets. The most commonly occurring prize figure is $1000 for the cutest and most popular pet.