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Pet Car Restraints

Pet car restraints keep your pet safe while traveling in the car. A pet car restraint is a specially-designed safety seat to use while your pet, usually a dog or cat, is in the car. Every pet owner should consider pet car restraints. Nearly every pet rides in the car at some time, whether on an extended vacation trip or just a visit to the vet. Both you, as the driver, and your pet are safer if he is in a pet car restraint rather than unrestrained in the vehicle.

Pet car restraints include models that boost a pet up to enable her to see out the window, folding restraints that can be kept in the car, and hammock-style restraint covers with safety harness attachments. Pet car restraints, as their name implies, keep your pet safely restrained. In the event of an accident, your pet will usually fare far better if restrained. Pet car restraints also keep your pet from distracting you while you are driving, keeping everyone safer.

One of the most popular types of pet car restraint is the kind that also serves as a booster, to raise your pet to window height. Other types include folding models that are ideal for travel. Some pets, especially some cats, may prefer not to be high enough to see out the window. Your pet may instead prefer pet car restraints that keep him tucked securely in a seat but unable to be frightened by the sight of passing scenery. Look for pet car restraints that will suit your pet and meet your needs. Ease of installation will help ensure you use pet car restraints every time you and your pet get in the car together.

Most pet car restraints can be used in either the front or back seat. Use caution if you have front air bag; it may be safer to install your pet car restraint in the back seat. Check your pet car restraint's manual for installation recommendations. Be sure your pet fits properly in the car seat and follow all manufacturers' recommendations for maximum size and weight, as well as installation instructions.

Some pets may need a little time to adjust to their pet car restraints. Give yourself and your pet plenty of time, and be patient. Place the car restraint on the floor in the house first, to let your pet investigate it. Do not force her into the restraint; allow him to climb in on his own. Once you have installed the restraint in the car, start out with short trips. Encourage and praise your pet while she is riding in the restraint. Once you and your pet are used to using pet car restraints, it will not seem any different than putting on your own seat belt each time you drive. Your safety, and the safety of your beloved pet, rely on it.
