Pond fish ulcer disease can be highly detrimental to the overall health and prosperity of your outdoor pond. You will want to ensure that you take measures to prevent any parasites or disease causing bacteria in your pond before they become a problem or affect the health and welfare of your pond.
When you begin to set up your new pond, you will want to be well informed as to the particulars of pond care, including illnesses and their treatments. If you are not well versed (or even if you are) as to the fine tunings of pond care and maintenance, you will want to find a great pond care reference book. This will be a key element in the ongoing care of your pond and it will serve as a guide to you as you learn more about ponds. You can find great pond care books in several retail locations including pet stores, pet accessory warehouses, landscapers who specialize in ponds and even online. Try to find out what the best resource books are before you set out to buy one so you will be able to find a good one.
Before you treat your pond and fish for pond fish ulcer disease, you will have to make sure that the problem is actually an illness with the fish and not some type of bacterial takeover in the water. You’ll also have to double check the equipment you have to guarantee it is in good working order prior to treating your water. This can be done with a water testing kit and the manuals to your equipment. There are many different types of water testing kits from which to choose, and often times they do different jobs and test for different things. Test kits are available in pet stores and in pet supply warehouses, in addition to online websites.
Once you have determined that there is a real illness affecting your fish, try to figure out what the affliction really is. Pond fish ulcer disease will start out looking like a small pimple on a fish’s skin. Within a relatively short period of time that pimple will transition into open lesions on the fish. Eventually, if left untreated, the ulcers will become quite large and will kill the fish. Several types of parasites are known to cause pond fish ulcer disease. Treatments for pond fish ulcer disease include salt treatments, antibiotics (which can be administered in foods) and other chemical treatments.
You’ll want to keep an eye on your pond fish for signs of disease, including pond fish ulcer disease.