Read About Easy Bird Watching

Easy bird watching is as simple as sitting in your backyard with a book and some good binoculars. Here's all you need to know about easy bird watching.

Create an easy bird watching environment

Easy bird watching can be just that: easy. But you need to first make sure that you're setting up a good situation in which to see a variety of birds. Now, there are several places where a person can go to bird watching, but the easiest place to go is your backyard so you need to create a backyard that is bird friendly.

To create a backyard that is conducive to easy bird watching, you need to either plant or put up food and shelter sources that are attractive to birds. Birds like to eat, feel safe and have access to water, which is great because this gives you a lot of options.

Bird attractors

If you don't want to spend a lot of money on easy bird watching, you can throw up a few inexpensive bird feeders. Bird feeders should be placed in areas of your backyard that are safe from predators (including your pet cat) and far enough from the house that the bird won't get startled. You can put a bird feeder right next to your house, but this makes it harder to watch the birds. As soon as they sense your presence, they'll probably flee. However, if the feeders are in the middle of your yard, the birds will let you view them from a safe distance.

Another great bird attractor that invites easy bird watching is the birdbath. Birds have a hard time finding water sources that they feel safe drinking and bathing from. Putting up a birdbath (again, the further it is from predators, the better) will attract large and small birds to your yard. Make sure that the birdbath is shallow because birds will not go in a steep or deep birdbath. Also, get a birdbath that has a constant source of running water because many birds take their bath on the fly.

Get the proper tools

Sitting on your back porch is a wonderful means of easy bird watching. To enhance your easy bird watching experience, get a pair of binoculars. Binoculars allow you to see details of the bird that you would otherwise miss by just staring at the bird from the porch. Binoculars come in all different sizes, strengths and qualities so you should talk to a sporting goods store technician to find binoculars that suit easy bird watching.