Read About Freshwater Aquarium Water Quality

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Maintaining Aquarium Water

Maintaining aquarium water is a vital component in caring for your fish. In order to control your aquarium's water quality, you must be able to control the inflow and outflow of nutrients within your tank. The most important part of this nutritional balance is the management of waste products that are created on a daily basis. Other factors that play an important role in maintaining aquarium water include good physical design, proper selection of species for your tank, and management of biological loading. If you do not properly control all of these factors, then you are likely to develop a variety of fish diseases in your tank.

The solute content of water is indicative of total dissolved solids that are present in your aquarium. This affects water chemistry, which in turn affects how living organisms in your aquarium are able to function. The pH of your tank's water indicates the degree to which your water is alkaline or acidic. The pH of your freshwater tank will most likely vary quite a bit. Dissolved gases and organic matter also play an important role in maintaining aquarium water, and you may wish to research these topics further to ensure the best possible environment within your aquarium.

Many owners of freshwater aquariums utilize tap water for their tanks. In maintaining aquarium water via this manner, however, it is important to modify your tap water by removing the chlorine or chloramine, as these are disinfectants that are used to make tap water suitable for human consumption. Once you become comfortable with maintaining aquarium water, you may choose to make even more modifications to the water that you put in your tank, including reverse osmosis and deionization.

Other factors that will play an important role in maintaining aquarium water are temperature and water movement. Temperature can easily be monitored with a thermometer and a heating unit. You will need to consult your local fish expert to help you determine at what water temperature you should keep your tank. In rare instances you may even need to use a cooling unit, but this is highly unlikely. Water movement is generally controlled by your aquarium's filtration system, which regulates the inflow and outflow of nutrients and waste.

Maintaining aquarium water is a relatively simple process once you learn the basics, and it is the single most important task you can learn for the well being of your fish.
