Read About Activated Carbon Fish Supplies

Activated carbon fish supplies are all part of a chemical filtration system that keeps the fish in your aquarium or tank healthy.

What are activated carbon fish supplies?

Activated carbon fish supplies are fish tank accessories that keep your fish healthy by removing dissolved organic waste. When waste is left to sit in a tank, it becomes toxic to the fish and the plants that live in the tank. Activated carbon fish supplies remove chlorine, pollutants and other chemical waste. They also help to get rid of that yellow or greenish tint that can cloud up an aquarium.

Activated carbon fish supplies are lightweight carbon based filters that should be placed in all large aquariums. They can be used in both fresh and saltwater tanks.

How do I use them?

Activated carbon fish supplies are pretty easy to use. The filters themselves are manufactured from carbon, which is usually in the form of coal. Carbon is a chemical so this system of removing these toxins is considered a part of a chemical filtration process.

Generally any activated carbon fish supplies will come with instructions, but as a general rule, you have to use about three tablespoons of carbon for every 50 gallons of water that are in the tank.

Activated carbon fish supplies work by pulling water through the filter. Then the system pulls out the nasty stuff in the water and spits the cleaned water back out. It’s important that when you set up your activated carbon fish supplies you make sure the water is passing very slowly through the filter. If the water moves too fast the filter will not pick up all of the debris it’s supposed to be catching.

Some debate

Not everyone agrees on how much carbon should be used in a tank or whether activated carbon fish supplies should be used at all. Many people believe that activated carbon fish supplies should only be used when the tank is clearly in need of a system to recycle out the carbon. Some people argue that an active carbon system (which was described above) doesn’t really do anything to expedite the removal of organic waste.

As an aquarium owner it’s really up to you to decide if you think activated carbon fish supplies are right for your fish. There are other ways of removing carbon waste, but activated carbon fish supplies are easy to use and easy to replace.