Read About Choosing Bird Beak Conditioners

A healthy beak can be maintained with beak conditioners, but is made healthy with nutrition appropriate to your bird species.

Things to Consider:

  • Cere´s Condition – The cere is the part of your bird´s beak that contains his nostrils. If his cere becomes red, inflamed, or "runny," it´s a possible sign of illness.

  • Prevent Dryness – The outer covering of the beak is called the rhamphotheca and is made of keratin, the same substance as our fingernails. Just as fingernails can get dry and brittle, a bird´s beak can also become brittle, which is why a beak conditioner is so important.

  • Signs of a Healthy Bird – A healthy beak is a sign of a healthy bird. A smooth, symmetrical appearance, no discoloration, and proper length are all indications of a healthy beak and healthy bird.