Read About Bearded Dragons

Care handling for bearded dragons, and everything you need to know to take the best care of your pet, is included in this article.

Care Handling For Bearded Dragons - Health

  1. Inoculations:

    There are several diseases that bearded dragons can become infected with and the best thing to do is to consult your vet.
  2. Vet Visits:

    Watching the condition of your bearded dragon's skin and tail are the best ways to know if a vet visit is prudent.
  3. Grooming:

    There is no actual grooming of a bearded dragon, but they do like to be stroked and petted.
  4. Pet Proofing Your Home:

    Cats and dogs will prey on your bearded dragon, so you must keep them safe and separate.
  5. Environment:

    Generally, a warm and humid environment is best for your bearded dragon. You should provide a good amount of natural tree branches and rocks for climbing.
  6. Exercise:

    The cage should be large enough to accommodate daily exercise, but you can take your bearded dragon out on occasion. Some owners, without other predatory animals in the household such as cats, will let their bearded dragons roam about the house at their own discretion.

Care Handling For Bearded Dragons - Food

  1. Type:

    The bearded dragon's diet should include crickets, special 'hissing' roaches, mealworms, and newborn mice.
  2. Variety or Always the Same:

    Vegetables and fruits chopped up into a kind of diced salad should be offered twice weekly to this pet.
  3. Bowls -- Fancy or Plain:

    The food bowl design is not nearly as important as maintaining a clean, filled fresh water bowl at all times.
  4. Treats:

    Your bearded dragon will love a banana once in a while, but should be given no more than once or twice a week.

Care Handling for Bearded Dragons - Temperament

  1. Pet Temperament:

    Your bearded dragon should always be responsive and yet not too active. Lethargy and agitation are both signs that something is wrong.
  2. Pet Socialization:

    Multiple bearded dragons do well together if the cage is large enough to accommodate them both.
  3. Playing with Your Pet:

    A domesticated bearded dragon that is used to being handled will ride about on your shoulder and go wherever you go.
  4. Behavior Problems:

    When raising baby bearded dragons, there is a behavior issue that can arise if you do not maintain a consistent feeding schedule. They will bite each other's tails or even bite your hand if they get overly hungry.
  5. Training:

    Your bearded dragon will respond to you at feeding times, especially when treats are being offered such as a bite of banana.

Care Handling For Bearded Dragons - Supplies

  1. What You Need:

    A large-sized, upright cage with ample climbing room is essential. If you have more than one bearded dragon, you must be certain there are enough branches and enough space to avoid conflict between the pets.
  2. What You'll Want:

    You should purchase a book that gives comprehensive information about bearded dragons, as there are many issues surrounding skin care and diseases.