Read About Iguana

Iguana ownership is becoming a very popular trend these days. However, it is not easy to care for this lizard and research is important before you buy one. Everything you need to know about them is contained in this article.

Iguana - Facts

  1. Description:

    The iguana is a type of lizard. The iguana has rough skin, scales, sharp claws, and sharp teeth. Because of its color, it is able to camouflage itself to hide from predators. The iguana is an excellent diver. You may find an iguana on land or water, and they like tropical temperatures.
  2. Varieties:

    There are 650 different types of species of iguana, including the green iguana, which most people in the United States purchase as a pet.
  3. History:

    Most reptiles of the iguana species originated in South or Central America.
  4. Physical Traits:

    The iguana usually grows from several inches to over 5 or 6 feet in length. The iguana will shed its skin, and, if cared for correctly, will grow rather fast. An iguana is considered an adult by three years of age.
  5. Other Defining Characteristics:

    The color of an iguana may vary between green to gray, and the same lizard may take on another color to hide from its enemy. The tail of an iguana will grow back if broken off.
  6. Habitat:

    Depending on its size from a mesh cage to its own room. Normally iguanas live in the tropical climate regions where they can bask in the sun and search for their prey. The rain forest is generally the location they can be found, near water.

Iguana - Concerns

  1. Benefits:

    The iguana is part of an ecosystem and important to the survival of earth for future generations.
  2. Liabilities:

    Some types of iguana are being imported to the USA in great numbers. Several species are at risk for extinction.
  3. Health Issues:

    If not given the proper care, the iguana will die at an early age.
  4. Specific Care Needs:

    If you are considering an iguana as a pet, read as much as possible about it. These reptiles require care like your family dog. A tropical climate and temperature control is best.
  5. Reaction to Children and other Pets:

    While usually docile, when aggravated they can become very aggressive.
  6. Special Household Needs:

    The iguana can grow to be 6ft. in length. They require a lot of room, and sometimes a swimming pool is necessary.

Iguana - How to Choose

  1. What to Look for:

    Look for a reputable person to buy from. Have a vet examine the iguana.
  2. Supplies:

    They will need large mesh cage, proper lighting, a leash, litter box, fresh food every three days, and attention.
  3. Expense:

    Keeping an iguana is quite expensive, and the commitment and time that you have for this creature is important. You can have a great time with this reptile, as it can be trained to use a litter box and go for walks. However, once the iguana grows to adult status, its needs change and it will get more difficult to handle. Do not take this purchase lightly.