Read About Birds Of Prey

Birds of prey are the types of birds that use their hooked beaks and strong talons to hunt and kill small animals. Here's some interesting facts about birds of prey.

What are birds of prey?

Generally speaking, birds of prey can be classified by the way they hunt their food. Unlike other smaller birds that eat seeds, berries and insects, birds of prey are equipped with strong hooked beaks that are necessary for tearing apart their food. Birds of prey also have strong talons that are used for snapping their prey and carrying them to an area where they can feast on the animal.

How does a bird of prey hunt?

Birds of prey have different hunting techniques, but they all have fantastic eyesight and can see their prey from way up in the sky. Some birds of prey are more accustomed to soaring when hunting whereas others have a tendency to just swoop down on the prey and take it by surprise.

Birds of prey use their strong talons, which have claws on the end, to pick up and carry their prey. Birds of prey kill the animals differently, but can use their talons to squeeze the animal, suffocate it or break its neck. Birds of prey also use their sharp curved beaks to injure the prey that they capture.

Different birds of prey

There are many birds of prey, but one of the most well known birds of prey is the hawk. There are many different kinds of hawks and they're much more visible than eagles because their numbers have not dissipated like the eagle's.

Hawks have incredible stamina and can hunt for hours without rest. They're also incredibly fast and can come down on unsuspecting victims in a matter of moments.

The osprey is another one of the birds of prey. Sometimes its hard to tell the difference between a hawk and an osprey when you're viewing the animals from a distance; however, osprey primarily eat fish and are usually found in areas that have a lot of water.

Osprey have white undersides and black wings and back. They are one of the larger birds of prey and many species are still on the endangered species list. This group of birds of prey was put on the endangered species list after many of them were killed off by a chemical that is sprayed on crops and in other vegetative areas to rid the area of pests.