Read About Essential Bird Supplies

Essential bird supplies can be bought at any pet store or pet mart, online or locally. Here is what you need. The first of essential bird supplies would be a cage. The size of cage you need will depend on the size of your bird or birds. The cost of the cage will depend on the size. The estimate for a cage would run from $10.00 to $400.00 and up. Buying a cage should not be impulsive. This is where your pet will spend most of his life. It needs to accommodate and fit the needs of the bird. The bird will need to hop, fly and jump from perch to perch with out injury. Be sure you purchase the right size for the bird you want to buy. The cage material should be durable. This will be a one time purchase. If you need help, please ask your vet or pet store staff. Some of the other essential bird supplies include: food and water dishes, nail clipper, wing scissors, bird cage liners, and a travel carrier. Also, one bird bath is essential. Bird perches are necessary and usually a minimum of two are recommended. These perches would be put into the cage at different levels. Wood perches would be best. A swing and play stand would be nice for the bird to have. Birds enjoy looking at themselves in a mirror, and if the bird is small a nest is a good idea. Of course bird seed and pelleted food is essential and come in 3 or 5 lb bags. It is best to begin giving your pet whatever the bird is accustomed to, and adding new varieties. Also, give your bird a variety of treats. Toys are necessary but be sure the toy is appropriate for the bird you’ve chosen. Alternate the toys often and watch the bird evaluating which are okay to stay and which are dangerous and need to go. Choose bright color when you buy toys. Vitamins and nutritional supplements are important to ensure your bird’s health. Please consult with your aviary vet for your particular bird’s needs. After you bring your bird home you need to make an aviary vet appointment. Your bird will be given a complete examination. This is a perfect time to ask any questions you might have about your birds, diet, activities and how to make the time you spend with the bird more enjoyable. These essential bird supplies may seem like a lot but clearly the investment is well worth it.