Read About Bird Facts

Birds are fascinating animals and full of fun, interesting facts. Here’s all you need to know about bird facts.

Birds have some unique characteristics

Whether you want to know about wild birds or birds that are kept in captivity, there are some general bird facts that apply to both. Birds have some really neat characteristics that are unique to them. First of all, they have beaks, which are incredibly important to the bird’s survival. Beaks are used for collecting, cracking and breaking into the foods that the birds eat. Beaks are such an important part of the digestive process that birds would go hungry without them! And, each beak is tailored to the individual bird. Eagles, for example, have strong hooked beaks that are used to break the neck of its prey!

Let’s move down the bird’s body and hit on some other bird facts. Birds have many layers of feathers that are used to keep the bird warm, clean and ready to fly. Feathers are cool because they are thick and water proof. Individual feathers are even used as a steering mechanism when the bird is flying! Another neat feather fact is that some birds have feathers in the front of their bodies that keep falling out. These feathers are like built in bibs and when they’re dirty, poof, they fall off and make room for a new one.

Lastly, we have skinny little bird legs. How do such little twiggy legs support an entire animal? Well, look at the bird facts of how the animal is built. Birds are short and squat so their center of gravity is steady, which helps them balance. Their legs are also made of hollow bones, which makes them incredibly strong.

Oh, we almost forgot wings! Wings are the single most defining characteristic of a bird and therefore one of the most important bird facts. Very few other animals can fly and the unique thing about birds is, their wings are designed differently according to their flying styles. Some birds are soaring birds and some, like the hummingbird, need to fly backwards. Their wings are shaped according to these needs.

Some notes about birds in captivity

Keeping birds as pets is OK for some specieis of birds and not for others. If you’re going to keep a bird captive, you should keep a couple of bird facts in mind. First of all, regulate their food and make sure they have plenty of water. Also, birds are social animals and will get depressed if you neglect them so only get a bird if you’re ready to treat it right. Lastly, birds that live in captivity rely on humans for support. You need to make sure it’s kept in a safe area that is protected from drafts. Bird facts can be helpful, but the best thing to do if you think you want a captive bird is to ask yourself if you have the time an energy to invest in the bird.