Read About Bird Removal

The only way to physically remove birds from your property is by using bird traps. Here’s everything you need to know about bird removal.

Trapping birds

There are many different ways to get bird off your property, but the only method that actually physically removes them from the property other than hunting, which many consider inhumane, is by trapping the bird.

Bird traps come in all different sizes and can be used for birds that spend a lot of time on the ground, in your yard and on your fences making noise and messes. Bird traps are often considered a preventative bird removal process because they send the birds a warning and stop the problem before it gets started. However, you should know that in order to keep the birds off the your property, you’ll need to install other deterrents.

How do you trap a bird?

Find a trap that will fit the size of the birds that are driving you nuts. Pigeons can fit in smaller cages than geese can. You also need to keep in mind that birds are smart. They will leave once they figure out what they’re doing. That’s where the saying, “kill two birds with one stone” comes in. Gage how many birds are hanging out in your yard and then get enough traps for bird removal of each bird. You want to get as many as you can in a trap before they wise up and move on.

Next, find a good place to put the traps. Take note of where the birds hang out during the day. Are they in the middle of your yard? By the side of your house? Where are they? Putting a trap in an area where the birds do not hang out will do nothing to help you with your bird removal. In the summertime, it’s a good idea to place your bird trap near a water source. Birds need water and, if they’re hanging out on your property, will eventually mosey on over to the water you’re providing.

To make sure the birds eat the food you put in the trap, you actually need to feed them for a few days before you set the traps, which may seem counterintuitive to your bird removal mission. When you set the trap, put at least one decoy in the trap. Once they’ve been set, you have to wait and when you get the birds, you’ll have to drive to a natural area and release them.

The downside to trapping

Trapping is a useful means of bird removal, but it does have its down side. For one, it’s time consuming and rather cumbersome. You have to find the traps, find an area to put the traps, set the traps, watch the traps, get the birds and then release them. And after you do all of that, you need to find another way to get rid of the next batch of birds that come in. So, when you’re thinking about bird removal, you need to think about whether you really want to remove the birds or if it might be easier just to deter them.