Read About Bird Watching Tours

Bird watching tours are your ticket to travel the world and see lots of cool birds. Here’s what you need to know about bird watching tours.

Wyoming to New Zealand

Bird watching tours are great because they have the ability to get you out of your state and into a completely different world. Bird watching tours are conducted all over the world. You can book yourself a tour to see the birds that occupy the grasslands and the mountains in Wyoming or opt for one that takes you through the grasslands and mountains in New Zealand, on the other side of the world. Both trips will give you beautiful (though very different) terrain and very, very different bird species to look at.

Where do I find bird watching tours?

Where do we find anything else in this high tech world? The Internet, of course! Before you start surfing the Web for bird watching tours, you might want to think about what kind of birds you want see, what kind of a vacation you enjoy (beach vs. mountains), how much money you want to spend and how far you want to travel.

Or, you could be completely spontaneous and just get on the Web and look up “bird watching tours” and see what comes up first. Who knows, maybe this tactic will put you in Nicaragua, Brazil or…New Hampshire.

Lots of advice

Sometimes when we get excited for a trip we forget to pack the most obvious trip essentials like a toothbrush or comb. The same can happen when you’re set and ready to go on bird watching trips. To help you maintain your sanity in a time of absolute excitement, put together a list of bird watching reminders and essentials so you don’t find yourself in Fiji looking for a pair of binoculars.

Remember to bring the appropriate gear, too. Learn a little bit about the area that you’re traveling to so you can put together clothes that are appropriate for the place that you’re going. As far as actual bird watching gear, don’t forget your binoculars, a field guide and a field notebook. Both the guide and the notebook should be covered in plastic (a large plastic baggie will do) especially if you’re going somewhere tropical.

If you have the time, you should get acquainted with the sounds the birds that you will be looking for make. This is especially important because people usually take bird watching tours to find birds that they’re unfamiliar with.