Read About Birds

Birds are fascinating, beautiful, sometimes feisty animals that are great to watch and can make great pets. Here's some good information to know about birds.

Bird characteristics

One thing that makes birds unique from other animals is that they can fly. Actually, not all birds can fly. There are about 40 species of birds that can't fly, but the majority can. Birds also have beaks, which are unique to other animals.

Birds can fly because they are anatomically designed to take flight. Their wings are built in such a way that it is easy for them the pick up lift, which helps them get off the ground. Wings also help birds steer as do their tails, which can be used as a rudder to stop the bird when it's going to fast. In birds that don't fly, wings are used for other functions such as warmth and balance.

Birds have large breast plates, which allows them to bulk up and carry a lot of muscle. Without powerful chest muscles, a bird could not propel itself through the air. Birds also have hollow bones, which help lighten the load of their body weight. Hollow leg bones also help the birds land as they're better at absorbing shock than solid, thick bones.


Birds also nest, which is another characteristic unique to the animals. Not all of them nest in trees, but they do put together some form of nest to keep their eggs warm and safe.

Birds can nest in interesting places. Some will nest on tree branches, others will find tree stumps, others will seal themselves inside a tree to nest, and others will even opt to nest in tall grasses. Perhaps the most unique nesting method is laying eggs in someone else's nest and letting them raise your babies. At least that's what cuckoo birds do!

Birds as pets

Certain birds make great pets. Birds are one animal that you can actually match to your personality. All dogs and cats need attention, but you can find birds that do not need and actually don't like, human interaction. Finches and smaller song birds do not like to be touched or handled by humans so a hands off bird owner would be a great caretaker for these pets.

There are other birds that love humans and are complete attention hogs. Most of the birds are in the parrot family crave human interaction. Parrots are friendly and very noisy. They will keep you entertained and are a great companion for lonely people because they'll talk to you and sit on your shoulder for hours. Because these birds are such attention hogs, they're also more high maintenance than other birds.