Read About Cardinal Birds

A Cardinal Bird is also known as the Red bird. Everything you need to know about them is in this article.

Cardinal Birds -- Facts

  1. Breed: The Cardinal was named by early American settlers, after Catholic cardinal priests who dressed in bright red robes.
  2. Size: The Cardinal Bird is about 17 to 25 centimetersImage long.

  3. Life Span: The life span of Cardinal Birds is typically 10 to 15 years.

  4. Origins: Cardinal Birds originated from North America.

  5. Physical Traits: Cardinal Birds have a prominent crest with black, blue and gray markings and a narrow collar, with mostly red below. They are medium-sized, with large wings and an average-size tail.

  6. Temperament: Cardinal Birds are aggressive and are known to attack other bird's nests. They love to sing and whistle on low branches of trees.

  7. Trainability: Cardinal Birds are not trainable and can be stubborn at times due to their aggressive nature.

Cardinal Birds -- Care

  1. Habitat: Generally, Cardinal Birds stay in urban regions, but can also be found in other areas of moderate climate.

  2. Food: Cardinal Birds love to eat insects, nuts, and seeds. They also like to eat fruits.

  3. Compatibility: Cardinal Birds enjoy the company of other birds and are happy in a group of three or four.

Cardinal Birds -- Concerns

  1. Benefits: They love to sing.

  2. Liabilities: Cardinal Birds can be agressive. Some owners may find their destructive behavior irritating.

  3. Health Issues: Usually Cardinal Birds are healthy. But sometime they may loose feathers during the change of season, so they thrive the best in a moderate climate.

  4. Specific Care Needs: Cardinal Birds require a lot of space, so choose a large enough cage for ther size.

  5. Special Household Needs: Open space and separate Imagefood and water bowls if the Cardinal is being caged.

Cardinal Birds -- How to Choose

  1. What to Look for: Before you choose a Cardinal Bird, make sure they appear healthy and have a strong beak.

  2. Supplies: Cardinal birds will survive best if left in the wild, but a large cage with wood perches should be suufficent.

  3. Expense: Cardinal Birds are wild birds and are best kept in the wild. If purchased in captivity, they may cost from $10 to $50.