Read About Barking Dogs

Barking Dogs, and everything you need to know to solve this problem is contained in this article. Barking dogs can be a nuisance that will increase your stress and also spoil the relationship with your pet.

Barking Dogs - Facts

  1. Problem Definition:

    Some dogs have the habit of barking a lot which might be more than what a regular dog would bark.
  2. Underlying Reasons:

    Some possible reasons are the dog might have been bored without enough attention, the dog might have been confined in a small place for a long time or the dog might be frightened.
  3. Why it is a Problem:

    Listening to the dog bark all day frustrates you and it's difficult to make the dog stop barking immediately.
  4. Consequences:

    When you keep hearing the dog barking for a long time you can get a headache or even increase your stress level. The neighbors won't feel comfortable either. You might even end up hating your pet.
  5. The Cure:

    The first thing to do with this problem is to identify the cause. After the cause is detected make the proper arrangements and train the dog not to bark.

Barking Dogs -How To Investigate

  1. Physical Surroundings:

    The dog might be confined in an improper place like a locked room or a very small and uncomfortable crate.
  2. Environmental Factors:

    These can be sounds and activities outside the house. A dog barking on the opposite yard or the sound of passing cars can make the dog bark.
  3. Emotional Causes:

    When the dog doesn't get the needed attention he might get aggressive and start barking at strangers.

Barking Dogs - What to do

  1. Practical Changes:

    Try changing the conditions the dog lives in to identify the problem for barking. If you feel the dog is barking because of confinement problems give him more space to move around. If the dog is barking at passing cars you can use curtains to block the dog's view. Make sure he is getting enough attention and company.
  2. Professional Advice:

    Take the advice of a trainer to train the dog properly so that he doesn't bark much.
  3. Medical Advice:

    Sometimes the dog's health problems might be the cause for barking. Take the dog to the vet for a checkup.
  4. Helpful Supplies:

    Bark activated shock collars can be used to stop the dog from barking.

Barking Dogs -Tips

  1. Break Bad Habits:

    The dog can be distracted when he starts barking. This can be done by spraying water at the dog.
  2. Create Good Habits:

    The dog should be trained properly to prevent it from barking.
  3. Owner Training:

    Never give in to your dog barking and make the dog think that barking is of no use for getting things done.
  4. Owner Investment:

    Preventing the dog from barking needs a lot of training. The dog should be trained firmly and consistently.