Read About Dog Anxiety


Reasons for Dog Anxiety

Factors that cause anxiety in a dog can lead back to premature separation from its mother after birth, abuse, a change in environment, or the loss or addition to the immediate family. Even unusual excitement or celebration in the household can cause a dog's stress levels to rise.

One of the most common reasons for Dog Anxiety is the unexpected absence of his or her owners. This is why you may come home to an entire roll of paper towels torn to pieces and strewn about your living room after leaving the dog alone all day. Your dog is not trying to get even with you for leaving; it is the dog's way of dealing with separation anxiety.

Eliminating Dog Anxiety

Since punishment will often exacerbate a dog's anxiety, it should be avoided altogether. Gentle and patient obedience training is usually the most effective method in eliminating a Dog's Anxiety.

  1. Cultivate a trusting relationship with your dog. Dogs need to feel that their owner will protect them in new and unfamiliar situations.Image
  2. Train your dog to become accustomed to being alone. Leave him or her for short periods of time before graduating to an entire day away from your pet. This gradual progression will ease the dog's sense of abandonment.
  3. Downplay greetings and departures. This will help to keep your dog from becoming unnecessarily excited or stressed when you are coming or going. If you make a dramatic ordeal out of hello's and goodbyes, the dog will perceive these situations as significant events. Acting nonchalant about arrivals and departures will teach your dog to take the daily occurrences in stride.
  4. Lastly, provide your dog with chew toys and leave on a television or radio to keep him or her company. Some owners prefer to contain the dog to a kennel or single room during the day to keep the dog from destructive behavior.

If possible, avoid allowing your dog to become overly attached to you in the first place. Help your dog to develop the independence that is needed to cope with the many stressful situations that will undoubtedly arise.