Read About Dog Begs

ImageA Familiar Story Dog Begs

You've labored over the stove all day long to prepare a sumptuous feast for your family. You sit down, tuck your napkin into the collar of your shirt, and have the fork poised over your plate ready to devour your culinary creation. It is then that you hear the beleaguered panting of your dog beneath the table. Maybe there is even a little drool dripping from his mouth onto your shoe. To top it off, he begins a high-pitched whine, insisting that he be included in the meal.

A dog that begs can be a major frustration to many owners. Eliminating that behavior can provide you with a sense of peace while allowing your family to happily coexist alongside your dog.

Training Your Dog Not to Beg

Training your dog not to beg is an effort that must be undertaken by everyone in the household, including guests. If one person has made a habit of slipping the dog a snack under the table at meal times, the dog will beg from other family members. No matter how persistently those puppy-dog eyes insist that it is a good idea to give up a tiny scrap from the dinner table, don't give in when the dog begs.

Why You Shouldn't Feed Your Dog "People Food"

Not only is it important not to feed the dog from the table to maintain your own sanity, there are also more practical reasons for keeping a dog away from "people food." Certain food that is perfectly safe for people to eat is not for dogs. Rather than researching what kind of food is safe and what is not, commit to only serving your dog food that is specially formulated for canines.

Feeding your dog "people food" also perpetuates weight gain. Once the dog begins to gain extra weight, it can easily spin out of control. Canine obesity can lead to heart, respiratory, immune, and a long list of other medical problems. It is best to keep your dog strictly on a dog food diet.

Establish a routine for regularly feeding your dog and reward good behavior with dog treats. This will ensure a peaceful meal for you and your family, free from a dog that begs.