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Dog Housetraining

Ah, the dreaded dog housetraining is every pet owner’s least favorite job, I am almost sure of that! Generally puppies, are taught the rules of the house. But, at some point, you may run across an adult dog that has not been properly house trained. Though you should not fret, there is an easy and simple way to teach these dogs the laws of the land.

Let’s begin with our precious little puppies. They are only babies and they have limited bladder control this means that when they have to go, they go, sometimes without even realizing it. But this does not mean the job is impossible. Dog training should start as soon as possible. Take the dog outside and wait for them to go, when they do, offer as much praise as possible.

A puppy’s most likely time to need to go is when they wake up, after naps and within 30 minutes or so of eating. Anticipate this and take them out every chance you get. Instinctively, they will learn that the outside, grass under their feet, means it is time to go.

Getting a dog crate or a baby gate is helpful because it gives them an area to play and to have accidents. If your puppy freely roams about the house, he is inevitably going to have an accident. This is also going to make dog housetraining more difficult for you. Structure is very crucial, so if at all possible, you need to implement a schedule. Believe me, this will make your dog housetraining experience go as smoothly as possible.

I know this seems like a lot of work and it is. Having a puppy is a lot of work, it is almost like having a child in the beginning. You have to lay down the law. If you slack off in this area you are going to have an even harder time straightening out the mess. Consistency is the key to proper dog housetraining.

Lastly, you may have adopted an older dog that was never properly house trained. The same rules apply in this situation. Implement a schedule, boundaries and always be consistent in your teaching techniques. From the minute you get out of the car with your new dog, set him down and wait for him to go outside and never waiver from then on. Dog housetraining can be a quick and happy experience if done properly from day one.
