Read About Top Ten Freshwater Fish

Having a freshwater aquarium can be fun and rewarding. Here's list of the Top Ten Freshwater Fish

  • Neon Imagetetras are the most popular aquarium fish. Not only are they easy to feed with standard flake food, but they are community fish that like to be in groups of 3 to 5.

  • The Angelfish's long and graceful fins make it another popular choice. Although they're generally peaceful they do stake out a territory so don't crowd them. They eat flake and live food.

  • Male Fantail Guppies have attractive, colorful tails making them a welcome addition to any tank. Guppies are very hearty and easy to feed. As their reputation suggests, they are prolific reproducers.

  • The ever-popular Goldfish come in lots of varieties, are easy to maintain and eat almost anything. Many varieties are very inexpensive, too, which makes them a good starter fish.

  • Mollies are another peaceful fish good for community tanks. ImageThey're avid algae eaters and prefer tanks with live plants. They eat flake and live food

  • Bettas are known for their aggressive nature but they're also some of the most beautiful freshwater fish. Males should be kept solitary.

  • Kissing Gourami are a peaceful fish named for their odd habit of settling territorial disputes by "kissing."

  • Oscars are full of personality. They can also grow quite large. Keep them away from smaller fish.

  • Rainbow Fish are community fish that tolerate wide fluctuations in tank conditions. The males offer more vibrant colors.

  • Tiger Barbs are schooling fish and they can be a bit aggressive; but their bright tiger stripes make them attractive to aquarium owners.