Read About Horse Bits

Horse bits add convenience to handling your horse by enhancing your control. Here's everything you need to know about this product.

Horse Bits - What are they?

  1. Description:

    A horse bit is the metal piece of the bridle that is placed in your horse's mouth.
  2. Who Needs These?

    You would want a horse bit if you are using a bridle. The bridle is what helps your horse turn and stop.
  3. Why Do You Need These?

    If you want to make your horse turn, stop or even restrain your horse, you will need a bridle which will have a horse bit attached to it. Different types of horse bits are used for different types of horse shows or competitions that a horse could be in.
  4. Types:

    There are many different types of bits, some of them are snaffles, kimberwickes, curbs with low or high ports, pelhams, and bradoons. There is also elevator and gag bits that professionals use to cure certain problems.
  5. Benefits:

    One of the benefits of using a bit is that it adds to the amount of control you have when training or riding your horse.
  6. Uses:

    Bits are used for many different reasons. The main reason is that it helps hold the bridle in the horse's mouth. Bits hook to the bridle which helps control your horse on his movements or even helps if your horse has a bad behavior you want to try and break.

Horse Bits - Tips

  1. Varieties:

    There are many different varieties of bits. There are copper bits, apple flavored plastic bits, german silver (which is made from a combination of brass, nickel, and copper), and nickel-free bits are some of the varieties of bits available for your horse.
  2. Quality Choices:

    You will want to make sure to get a bit that will work for your horse. Make sure you buy the highest quality you can afford.
  3. Where to Use:

    The bits are used directly in the horses mouth. Anytime you are going to ride your horse you will want to make sure you have the bits and bridle on your horse for added control.

Horse Bits - Concerns

  1. Safety Issues:

    Some horses can have allergies to certain types of metal. Be sure to watch your horse when you are trying out a new type of bit. If you notice your horse salivating excessively or his mouth swelling, you may need to get a different type of metal.
  2. Behavioral Issues:

    Horses that have never had a bit and bridle on them will not like it at first. They may become aggressive. Be sure to introduce it to your horse slowly. Eventually your horse will come to like it.
  3. Convenience:

    The convenience of having horse bits is you can ride your horse with ease and comfort knowing that your horse will understand where you want him to go and when you'd like him to stop.

Horse Bits - How to Choose

  1. What to Look For:

    Look for high quality materials that are affordable to you.
  2. Expense:

    The expense of bits vary greatly. They usually start around $24.00 and go over $200 for your higher end bits. Again, keep in mind if you are only using the bits so you can hook up a bridle and ride your horse you don't need the high end of the price range.
  3. Other Items You Might Need:

    Some other items for horse riders are a bridle, saddle, saddle blanket and many other accessories.