Read About Choosing Attractants

If you want to attract wild game into your backyard, there are several products available to help accomplish this.

Things to Consider:

  • Safety First – Wild animals are amazing creatures to observe in your backyard, but remember they are still untamed. Your household pets, if you have any, should be kept at a distance so they do not disturb the animals, or become injured.

  • Placement – Food for wild animals should be placed in an area where you can safely observe these animals and allow them safe return back to their homes. Trees are often a nice area to put food, since the animals feel they are somewhat safe and shielded.

  • Deterrents – Providing an alternate food source for wild animals can be an excellent way to deter them from other areas of your home that you want them to avoid, such as a garden or other pet food. Place their food far away from these unwanted areas.