There are several good tips for controlling algae in your outdoor pond. These range from maintaining healthy plants to numbers of fish and having a strong and healthy filtration system.
Algae is necessary to the proper balance of any outdoor pond. That said, algae can be unsightly and can be dangerous to the health of your pond. If algae is allowed to take hold in a pond, it can steal oxygen from the water and that, in turn, will kill your fish.
To begin with tips for controlling algae in your outdoor pond, make sure you have enough fish to begin the ecology of your pond. You will need the waste the fish excrete to begin the chemical process needed to control not only the algae in your pond, but encourage the growth of healthy algae.
When fish eliminate their waste in the pond water, it will combine with other natural debris and it will all sink to the bottom of the pond. If there is too much debris, there will be an over abundance of chemicals which will provide an over abundance of nutrition upon which algae will feed. Once they do, the algae will become dominant in the ponds ecological cycle. So, to control algae, control your fish first. You can remove fish from your pond if you start to notice an abundance of algae in your pond. It may sound counter productive, as fish eat many types of algae, but fewer fish means there will be less waste and less waste will mean less nutrient for the algae to feed upon.
Another of the great tips for controlling algae is to increase the amount of plant material in your pond. This will give the algae competition for the nutrients in the water. It will take some time for this to work, but once the new plants take hold in the pond, they will begin to starve the algae.
You will also want to avoid over feeding your fish and remove left over food within a few minutes of feeding. When you over feed, the wasted fish food sinks to the bottom of the pond, like the fish waste does. That will deteriorate with the help of natural bacteria in the water and become food the algae will use.
Healthy filtration in the pond will prevent algae from taking over by providing enough oxygen to keep bacteria levels in check. Those bacteria are what spur the production of chemicals which then produce nutrition for algae to feed upon.
The best of all tips for controlling algae in your outdoor pond is that you should always strive to maintain a healthy balance of all the elements of the pond’s ecological system.