In pond filtration is vitally important to the overall health of your pond. If you do nor provide proper pond filtration your pond’s water will become stagnant, which will encourage the over growth of algae. Gaining control over aggressive algae is difficult, but it can be done with added aeration (through in pond filtration) and the addition of healthy plant materials to the pond.
You’ll need an in pond filtration system which works off of a circulation system. You will need a waterfall of some sort to encourage maximum aeration of water. More aeration makes for better oxygen levels, which encourages your healthy pond eco system. The waterfall is also where you will want your filter. The other part of a proper pond filtration system is the skimmer. Between the two, which work together, the extra debris will be removed from the water. Leaving this debris in the water encourages algae growth by adding plant growing nutrition to the water.
The success of your in pond filtration system cannot be achieved through the filter system alone. You will need the right balance of fish, plants, algae (yes, algae in the right amount is healthy for your pond), bacteria, aeration and water. You need the fish because they will eliminate their waste into the pond’s water, where it will join with other natural materials and begin to deteriorate. As it does, it will sink to the bottom of the pond and bacteria will go to work on it. After those bacteria generate several additional processes, and several chemicals have morphed from one form to another, those chemicals will feed plants and algae and encourage their growth. Those plants will, in turn, serve as a food source for the fish. When the fish consume the plants, they will generate waste and the eco system will circulate through again. Your in pond filtration system will also be negatively affected by any slight changes to the regular operations of your equipment. This is why you should never introduce chemically sterilized water to any aspect of your pond. When cleaning the filter, use distilled water or pour pond water over it to loosen debris. If you do use chemically sterilized water, it will kill the good bacteria living in the in pond filtration system, which will allow overgrowth of algae, which will be difficult to control.
Careful monitoring of your pond and its ecological systems is vital for optimum pond health. This can be made easier once you have established a strong in pond filtration system.