Read About Flying Lizard

Flying Lizard is also called a flying Draco and can be kept as a pet. Everything you need to know about them is contained in this article.

Flying Lizard - Facts

  1. Description:

    Flying lizards have long bodies. They have flaps of skin along the ribs which can be extended, becoming wings. They have a dewlap flap which can also be extended. Flying lizards can grow up to 12-inches in length. Females are usually larger than males, but their dewlaps are smaller. They are brown in color and have bluish coloration on the undersides of their wings. Their dewlap will be yellow colored; however females tend to have a bluish dewlap and yellow-coloring to their wings undersides. Their heads are blunted and short. Each leg has five clawed toes.
  2. Varieties:

    The main variety of flying lizard is the Agama, or "flying dragon." It is also referred to as the flying Draco and can be kept as a pet. In reality, these "flying lizards" cannot actually fly. They only jump from trees and glide. As with most tree dwelling or arboreal lizards, it is best not to touch or handle these lizards frequently. Their skin is sensitive and can be damaged easily.
  3. History:

    The origin or natural range for the flying lizard is the Indo-Pacific. They thrive in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world and are native to the southwest tropical forests of Asia and India, including Borneo and the Philippines.
  4. Physical Traits:

    In the wild, the male flying lizard will usually claim a territory. He may extend his dewlap partially or fully and extend his wings, bobbing his body up and down. If he meets a female, he will circle her.
  5. Other Defining Characteristics:

    Flying lizards are difficult to catch for the pet trade as they are fast and agile as soon as they reach adulthood.
  6. Habitat:

    A flying lizard will best thrive in large enclosures containing well-established plants. Their terrarium should be tall because the flying lizard is arboreal and needs at least 25 gallons in size. They need a screen lid which is essential for proper air exchange.

Flying lizard - Concerns

  1. Benefits:

    Daily misting of the habitat is beneficial to the flying lizard to help maintain the humidity level.
  2. Liabilities:

    Although flying lizards are usually healthy, they do have some ailments. Consult your veterinarian if your flying lizard stops eating or ceases to be animated.
  3. Health Issues:

    A flying lizard will remain healthy if you supply them with the recommended diet. A shallow water bowl should be provided and changed daily.
  4. Specific Care Needs:

    Flying lizards require certain lighting and temperature requirements. They also need a humidity level at 75 percent or higher.
  5. Reaction to Children and other Pets:

    Although these lizards are beautiful when in flight, it is probably best not to handle them too much. They are shy and can become stressed easily.
  6. Special Household Needs:

    A flying lizard will need its own special terrarium with the ideal temperature, humidity and habitat for it's comfort, however this shouldn't affect the rest of the household, nor require any special household needs.

Flying lizard - How to Choose

  1. What to Look for:

    Look for a healthy flying lizard that is alert and energetic before you buy.
  2. Supplies:

    You will need a terrarium, basking stone, thermometer, heater, lights, natural bark, and feed for your lizards.
  3. Expense:

    A flying lizard can be pricey as they are considered an exotic pet.