Read About Big Snakes

Big Snakes can be found all over the world, but the biggest live mostly in Africa, Asia and Australia. Everything you need to know about them is contained in this article.

Big Snakes - Facts

  1. Description:

    The biggest snake species in the world is the anaconda, which averages 20-25 feet long and 12 inches in diameter.
  2. Varieties:

    Some varieties of big snakes are the boa constrictor, the python, the anaconda, and the mamba.
  3. History:

    Fossils of snakes have been found dating back to prehistoric times.
  4. Physical Traits:

    All snakes have skin covered in scales, which they shed regularly. All snakes are cold-blooded and have backbones.
  5. Other Defining Characteristics:

    Snakes use their vision to detect the motion of their prey. Snakes also have no eyelids, but the eyes are covered with a transparent scale that is shed with the skin.
  6. Habitat:

    The biggest snakes tend to live in rain forests, grasslands, savannas, woodlands, and swamps in temperate areas of the world.

Big Snakes - Concerns

  1. Benefits:

    Big snakes generally feed on rodents and other small animals that are often pests.
  2. Liabilities:

    All big snakes have some capability to injure and should be handled with care. You should be sure you know someone experienced with snakes that can take care of your snake if you need to go away.
  3. Health Issues:

    Snakes are prone to respiratory problems, mites, and vitamin deficiencies. Snakes can also spread salmonella and parasites to humans. You should wash your hands thoroughly after handling the snake.
  4. Specific Care Needs:

    A snake should be fed frozen/thawed rodents rather than live animals. A live rodent can injure or even kill the snake if the snake is not in a feeding mood or is suffering from a health condition.
  5. Reaction to Children and other Pets:

    Big snakes should not be handled by children, and other pets should not be kept in the same house, as they may become prey for the snake.
  6. Special Household Needs:

    The size of enclosure for a big snake must be relative to the size of the snake. The enclosure must be escape-proof.

Big Snakes - How to Choose

  1. What to Look for:

    You should investigate whether it is legal to own big snakes in the area where you live. You will need to care for the snake for at least 20-years. A healthy snake should look alert, with bright eyes, and firm skin. There should be no visible parasites on the skin.
  2. Supplies:

    You need to have a good source for food, as large snakes need large prey (large rats or rabbits) to eat. Snakes also need places to hide, items to coil around (such as a large tree branch), and some sort of heat source (shielded bulbs to prevent burns).
  3. Expense:

    Big snakes can cost in the hundreds to thousands of dollars. You must also take into account the cost of feeding the snake, which can be quite an expensive undertaking.