Read About Amphibian Parasites

Amphibians usually carry an array, of parasites. The amphibians do not usually have problems with parasites until they are stressed or wounded.

A parasite called nematodes is known for its strong hold lungworms. This parasite causes pneumonia and the loss of the will to live or survive. The large adult worms are found in the lungs. The eggs and larvae of the nematodes are found in large amounts in the abdomen and lymph spaces, when the infestation is to the extreme.

Ecto-parasites are the species of ticks, mites, leeches and helminthes. The mite burrows into the skin and in time are recovered by new dermal tissue. Endo-parasites are otherwise known as malaria. Male amphibians are the majority affected by this parasite. The main endo-parasite is the plathyhelminths nematode, acanthocephalan and dipterans.

Although many amphibians carry a large number of parasites, they are usually carried unless the carrier of the parasite is ill or their immune system is compromised. The living conditions being poor, stress or injury causes immune systems to be weak. Parasites are usually passed from one amphibian to another.

The symptoms to watch for if your amphibian has parasites are the lack of appetite, lethargy and the skin pigmentation changing color or losing it color. If there is no weight gain or weight loss and the amphibian has no trouble eating. The amphibians stools has a strong odorous smell and diarrhea; parasites and parasite eggs are noticeable in the bowel movement are also signs of parasites. Any of these signs should not be taken lightly and you should call your veterinarian as soon as possible to have proper medical treatment.

A veterinarian for proper diagnosis cultures stool samples. Any treatment of parasites all depends on the type of parasite found. Any treatment of parasites all depends on the type of parasite found. It also depends on how many parasites are found. Most of the time the medical treatment prescribed is debindazole or metronidazole. The dosage always depends on the extreme of infestation, age and health of the amphibian.

Many parasites affect the following area: the kidneys, urinary bladder, body cavity and digestive tract, stomach, lungs and blood.

The life cycles of the parasites on amphibians are the following: direct transmissions, indirect transmission, inter-mediate carrier or being the 2nd intermediate carrier or parasitic carrier.

However the parasite is affecting your amphibian, it needs to be taken care of immediately. Call your veterinarian to have it tested and treated to keep your amphibian and yourself healthy. It will help make the quality of life better.