Read About Reptile Diseases Conditions

It's never pleasant when your pet isn't feeling well. Here's what you need to know about ReptileDiseases and Conditions.

Egg Binding

This common condition occurs when a female reptile cannot deliver her mature eggs. The symptoms can be subtle but Imageif a gravid (pregnant) female seems to be swollen and straining to no avail, the chances are she's egg bound. This condition should be treated by a reptile veterinarian.


Gout can occur when the level of uric acid (a waste product) build up in a reptile's body and cause "tophi" or small, white nodules, to form in the mouth; enlarged, stiff and painful joints; or kidney failure. If you think your pet is suffering from gout he needs to visit the veterinarian. Gout is treated with dietary changes, medication and sometimes surgery.

Infectious Stomatitis

This is an inflammation of the mouth caused by stress from poor nutrition, improper environment, parasites or trauma. Symptoms include weight Imageloss, discharge form the mouth or excessive salivation and swelling and reddening around the mouth. This condition is treated by discovering and eliminating the underlying cause and then, most often, antibiotics are employed to eradicate the lesions.

Mites and Ticks

Both ticks and mites can transfer disease to your pet. Ticks are visible to the eye and mites cause a dull appearance and may appear as black or red dots around the eyecaps. Carefully remove ticks with tweezers, grabbing it by the head. A simple 20-minute water bath can rid your pet of mites.