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Burrowing Amphibian

The burrowing amphibian may do this for the warmth. Climatic temperatures may not be warm enough for it to survive. The amphibian will burrow to give itself a source of heat and to regulate the temperature for him or herself. When the amphibian becomes too cold it can become very ill and down from infections, this can be very fatal to the amphibian.

With temperatures always changing the burrowing amphibian can survive cold winters by hibernating in the wet or moist ground or in the mud at the bottom of ponds. Some amphibians can be frozen in ice during the winter and when the thawing out happens they seem to survive being frozen.

The amphibians also burrow to hide from their predators. They see or sense the predator and they head towards the pond or soft ground to bury them. They do this to make themselves hidden from the predator and not to be the predator’s next meal.

Caecilians, (suh-SILL-yans), are amphibian burrows. Having long bodies that are shaped like worms, they burrow in the ground. Most of these amphibians do not have eyes. Another type of amphibian burrow is the salamanders and newts. They have long tails to assist in their scurry into the ground.

Although frogs and toads do not have tails, they also burrow. They also like to burrow in misty swamps and wetlands. They do not have to particularly live in the water. As long as the ground is soft enough to get burrowed into the frogs and toads are often happy.

Amphibians can be wetland, aquatic or live on land. They are climatic to temperature and need the burrowing for heat, cold temperatures and to hide from predators. These factors in mind, the amphibians are able to regulate their own environment. While captive it is important to know if your amphibian needs to burrow or not. Also it is important to know the temperatures needed to keep your amphibian healthy, since they are dependant on you for their care.

If you have any concerns always speak to your reptile veterinarian for what is best for your amphibian.
