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Choosing Reptile Lighting Accessories

Choosing reptile lighting accessories such as heat mats, ultraviolet lighting, and basking spot lamps are essential in maintaining your pet's health and normal bodily functions. Lighting accessories, along with regulating your pet's night-day cycle, also serve as main heat source. Reptiles are exothermic, meaning, they are cold- blooded creatures that have bodily temperatures that fluctuate along with their environmental temperatures. Snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles, alligators are some examples of reptiles. They are usually found living in naturally dry, warm climates, but can also thrive well in captivity given the right conditions - therefore, choosing reptile lighting accessories is of utmost importance to their survival.

When choosing reptile lighting accessories, take care not to over or underload your pet's habitat because this may result to serious health issues. Overloading reptile lighting accessories in your pet's habitat may cause overheating, whereas an under-heated housing may cause digestion problems to your pet. Too low temperatures may cause sluggishness in reptiles and render them less able to digest food properly.

Before you set up lighting accessories in your pet's housing, do your research first on your pet's ideal habitat temperature conditions. Choosing reptile lighting accessories such as thermometers is a great way to consistently monitor your pet's cage temperature, especially the nooks where he usually spends time in. But along with consistent temperature, reptiles also require a thermal gradient, meaning a range of temperatures from high to low, to maintain their regular bodily functions. A gradient like a basking light is a must when choosing reptile lighting accessories. A gradient must be placed at one end of the cage to ensure a high temperature, while the other end must be maintained at a lower temperature.

Along with basking lights, incandescent lamps and spotlights also make effective reptile lighting accessories. Dim colored bulbs, or better yet, night-time bulbs are great options when choosing reptile lighting accessories for your pet's low heating requirements at night. Ultraviolet light must also be provided, especially if you have lizards, turtles, and tortoises in your care because of its importance in the production of vitamin D3 in these reptiles' metabolism. Now, ultraviolet light is made up of three wavelengths: UVA, UVB, and UVC. The latter is harmful to reptiles, while the first two are what they really need, more so UVB. So when choosing reptile lighting accessories in the form of UV light, pick one that produces a full spectrum light, or one that produces greater than 1.1% UVB.

Mimicking your reptile's natural environmental temperature is key to keeping a long-lasting pet. It's not easy to maintain exothermic pets, but in rightly choosing reptile lighting accessories, half the task of maintaining a well-balanced thermal gradient can be accomplished.
