Read About Pet Bird

Owning a pet bird is a big responsibility, but it can also be a wonderful experience. Birds make great pets because they are generally happy, friendly and playful.

Choosing a Pet Bird

Knowing which kind bird to choose as your pet is a decision only you can make based on what you know about certain species of birds, which characteristics would work best in your home and how much money you have available to invest in the bird and his accessories. A bird that makes small chirping noises and requires less attention may be right for an older single person, while a larger bird that can be loud at times and demands nearly constant attention, but is good with kids may be a better choice for a young family. The best idea is to study several birds to decide which would best suit your current needs.

Parakeets, Finches, Parrots, Macaws, Lovebirds, Amazons, Conures, and Cockatoos all make nice pet birds.

The Ongoing Needs of a Pet Bird

A pet bird requires a lot of attention and care. The first decision you'll need to make about your bird is what kind of cage you will house him in. Once you have your cage and accessories set, your job as a pet bird owner is just beginning. You'll need to regularly clean and sanitize the cage and toys, feed the bird, bath the bird, and clip his wings and nails. But probably the most time consuming thing about owning a bird is keeping them company. You'll need to entertain and occupy your pet bird so he doesn't get bored and act out. Birds are social, by nature, and they like human attention.

Behavior of a Pet Bird

Birds can act peculiar if they don't get enough attention. Like a child, they will act out to get attention, even if it is negative attention. You need to establish control and show the bird who is boss first. One way to do this is to keep the cage situated below eye level. A bird that stands tall may think he is the boss in the relationship. Once you've established the lead, it is important to keep him from getting bored. You can keep him occupied with a few toys and can rotate them in and out of the cage for a little variety. The best thing you can do for your pet bird is to talk to him, play with him and pet him often.