Read About Care for Baby Rabbits

Care for baby rabbits, and everything you need to know to take the best care of your pet is included in this article. Baby rabbits can make great pets, but be prepared and informed first.

Care for baby rabbits - Health

  1. Inoculations:

    Baby rabbits should be vaccinated against Myomatosis at around 6 weeks, and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD) at around 10-12 weeks.
  2. Vet Visits:

    Baby rabbits who are orphaned should be seen by a vet as soon as possible.
  3. Grooming:

    Once baby rabbits are old enough to be weaned from their mother, they should be brushed weekly.
  4. Pet Proofing Your Home:

    Pet rabbits are known for chewing, and will chew wires, door frames, corners, furniture, and anything else they can get their mouths on. Cover wires with some form of cord protector or tubing. Furniture and wood items can be sprayed with a product designed to discourage biting, such as Bitter Apple spray, or hot sauce. One of the best ways to rabbit-proof your home is to make sure your pet rabbit has plenty of toys to keep her occupied.
  5. Environment:

    Baby rabbits need a soft nest, which their mother will generally provide for them. If you are caring for an orphaned baby rabbit, you will need to build a nest.
  6. Exercise:

    Baby rabbits need daily exercise as they grow.

Care for baby rabbits - Food

  1. Type:

    Baby rabbits under 3 weeks of age should only receive mother's milk. If the mother is not available, it is possible to bottle-feed baby rabbits, but be aware that this is not usually successful. If you are attempting to hand-raise a baby without a mother, you will need cecotropes (specific fecal matter from an adult rabbit) to feed the baby. From 3 to 7 weeks, they can have mother's milk and a progressive amount of alfalfa and pellet food. By 7 weeks, they can eat as much hay and pellet food as they want; vegetables should be introduced around 12 weeks.
  2. Variety or Always the Same:

    Once baby rabbits are eating pellets, hay, and vegetables successfully (without diarrhea), you can vary their diet somewhat.
  3. Bowls -- Fancy or Plain:

    The type of bowl is not important, as long as the baby rabbit is able to eat from it.
  4. Treats:

    Oatmeal and raisins make good treats for baby rabbits who are able to eat fruits and vegetables.

Care for baby rabbits - Temperament

  1. Pet Temperament:

    Baby rabbits may not yet express their true personalities. Once they do, you will find their personalities are as varied as those of humans.
  2. Pet Socialization:

    Baby rabbits should be kept with their mother for the first 8 weeks of life.
  3. Playing With Your Pet:

    Extra care should be taken when picking up a baby rabbit. Be sure to support the back legs well.
  4. Behavior Problems:

    The most common behavior problem with rabbits of any age is chewing.
  5. Training:

    Baby rabbits should not be litter-trained until they are sexually mature, usually 3-6 months. This prevents the rabbit from regressing from its early training upon maturation.

Care for baby rabbits - Supplies

  1. What You Need:

    Baby rabbits need a secure environment, usually a cage/hutch combination, with a nest area. They also need mother's milk, food and water.
  2. What You'll Want:

    Toys for your baby rabbit can help keep him from becoming destructive as he grows.