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Deciding to Adopt or Buy a Dog

Prior to becoming totally enamored with the prospect of dog ownership or the process of deciding to adopt or buy a dog, there are some initial considerations before embarking on your search. Take a moment to think about the following, as doing so may assist you in determining the appropriate puppy/dog for you and your particular lifestyle.

Why do you want a dog? For companionship? For protection? Before deciding to adopt or buy a dog you need to know exactly what it is you’re looking for – lap dog, hunting dog, etc. Be honest, it will serve you well in the long run.

Do you have adequate time to devote to the care of a dog? Training, exercising, and playing with your dog are all necessary ingredients for a happy and healthy relationship between you and your pet. Can you afford the time commitment?

Are you prepared for the demands of a lively puppy - or would a more mature dog better suit your lifestyle? Those who are willing to take an honest inventory of themselves and their lifestyle preferences and then who take the time to match up with a dog that compliments that lifestyle, will invariably be happier with their animal choice.

Be aware of the cost of pet ownership. Before deciding to adopt or buy a dog, consider that there is the initial cost of purchasing the dog, plus food, vaccinations, supplies, licenses, neutering, etc. The average yearly expenditure of dog ownership is approximately $600.

Why do you want a particular breed? Speak to breeders and/or owners to determine if your breed of choice is one that truly fits your personality and lifestyle. Be certain that you are aware of the positives and negatives of the breed – characteristics, specific health issues, etc.

This is basically an adoption! You are bringing home a new family member. Thus, deciding to adopt or buy a dog should be something that is contemplated carefully. Dogs cannot be responsible for their own care; they look to their owners for everything, including love and companionship. They are social animals, so the provision food and water alone does little to promote their overall sense of well-being, they must be sufficiently nurtured.

Be sure that you take adequate time when deciding to adopt or buy a dog. Remember, you’re making a very important decision, bringing an animal into your household that will hopefully be a loving family member for many years.